Welcome to Track Planning Services

Planning for the finest layouts.

In Australia, Track Planning Services (TPS) is the go-to for model railroad beginners or seasoned enthusiasts with dreams of a miniature world. They are the architects of tiny worlds.

TPS see railroad planning through the eyes of their clients, and that makes all the difference.

Model railroading is an enchanting jigsaw puzzle.

Imagine having a layout that perfectly fits your available space – a bespoke railway just for you! Whether you’re dedicating a corner of your room, transforming a garage, converting a shipping container or filling a shed; anywhere you have space TPS will plan tracks for it.

TPS isn’t just about track; they’re about inspiration. They know that creativity thrives when fueled by passion and observation. TPC are enthusiastic problem solvers who genuinely care about creating value for their clients.

Enjoy Your Layout!

Model railroads are about joy and relaxation. Run your trains, admire the scenery, and lose yourself in the world you’ve created.

Remember, there’s no fixed endpoint. You can always expand, modify, or enhance your layout over time.

Every model railroad tells a story. Whether it’s a historical re-creation, a quirky fantasy, or a slice of everyday rail life, your layout reflects your passion and imagination. So, go ahead – lay those tracks, create those landscapes, and let your trains carry you to special destinations!

TPS ensures that your tracks lead to joy, creativity, and countless hours of fun!

Model rail roading is a juggling act of compensating for the size of your models and compressing your ideas for the reality of the limited space available!

About Us

Our mission is to work with you to create a design for your layout that will offer you satisfaction, enjoyment and rewards well into the future. The designs we create are innovative and fit for purpose, and as you develop your needs and ideas, we can work with you to bring it all into a reality.

You will get a full inventory of track and turnouts, centre points of curves, grades and elevations for precise location of parts on plans. Individual designs arrive with 3D views from various points around the plan.

Track Planning Services track libraries cover every type of track in all scales and all brands. Our research allows us to produce prototype plans for all parts of the country; or a freelance design for any concept imagined!

Our service starts with full and open discussion about your needs. We offer advice and suggestions about efficient use of the space available and collect as much information as possible about the type of layout you want to build and operate.

If you would like to discuss all this further, please click here to provide your contact details and I will get back to you.

Client Testimonials


“THE OXLEY RUN” “Thanks for this plan. I’m impressed. It achieves everything I wanted and is much...

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Check out Track Planning Services